Thursday, September 11, 2014

Consistency Produces Results

Consistency : The ability to set a goal and do what is necessary to accomplish said goal

I am more than sure that I am not the only women in the world who is constantly setting goals , making To - Do list and rethinking my grand life plan over and over. AM I ?
As women we have managed to not only create man kind but we have also managed to run the world and quite fashionably I might add. So what is it that causes some of us to never reach our full potential ?
Does Oprah , Beyonce and other very successful women have the secret we are all looking for ?
Yes, these Queens are an inspiration.
Of course I would love to be a media mogul, who could strut a stage in 6 inch heels while flawlessly running the world one high hat at a time.
However for the 80% of women who are apart of the social norm ( Middle Class Women ) we are simply striving to complete our daily task list without forgetting lunch, an ear ring or a PTO meeting. And as much as we love Oprah and Bey I am more inspired by the average women who takes care of home and family.  The team mom who never skips a beat on this crazy journey we call womenhood.
Goal Setting  
I want to share with you my goals for September , then explain to you what I will be doing to stay consistent  and on course.
Now goal setting is the easy part , the real work is putting your plan into action.
For example, I am aware that in order for me to be successful in fitness, I have to have someone to be accountable to. ( yes I am a trainer who pays for a trainer ) I find it more suitable for me to check in and stay on track with someone to answer to .
Sometimes accountability helps you remember exactly what you are doing all of this for. when I have to answer to my trainer , it reminds me of the big picture , my dream is to be a prominent Fitness advocate for women and mothers. and every time I skip a workout of sneak a sweet snack I am potentially pushing my dream further away.
Once you make something important enough , once it becomes like air then nothing should keep you from achieving your goal. Don't allow you become your own set back.
This Time make consistency one of your main goals.
If I can then You can !
Be Fit. Fine and Flawless

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